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Writer's pictureMs.Chalee

Your Insurance Policy has A Time Stamp!

Updated: May 17, 2022

In this blog I’ll share with you why you don’t want to cancel or get a brand new Life Insurance Policy to replace what you currently have. If your policy has accumulated any age upon it, KEEP IT!

For starters if you paying an affordable premium, why would you change that? Look at your policy contract as an investment.

Don’t loose out, or let someone talk you into, or out of the money that you’ve already paid into it…

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Sickness sometimes appears out of nowhere!

So starting brand new coverage for something that you’ve already crossed the hurdle, won’t make any sense.

You may ask "well what make you such an expert”, Chalee?

Glad you asked. When I first got married I‘d used a local licensed Insurance agent to write coverage for me, and my family. However, what I know NOW, could’ve saved me the devastation of a loss that was brewing, twenty years in the making. Waiting on me…

Your insurance coverage is based on however your current health status is. If you’re young with little to no current health issues, Insurance carrier’s, will likely write you a policy in a heartbeat! as long as you’ve met the other requirements. You’ll be good to go…

In my situation, being that my husband and I were in decent health, and he was 17 years my senior. We’re talking early nineties, but… you see there’s always a but, right…

Due to the fact that we were in a era where automation hadn’t really surfaced yet. Well not in my neighborhood.

So in the midst of paying bills, the insurance payment would be the last on the list to get paid. Placing little value of what it was really worth. "Wow”

With that being said. There were times my policy would lapse. Which in turn, I’d call my friendly neighborhood insurance guy to come back out, and he’d write a new policy.

(No questions asked) Gladly, he obliged.

Never expressed, how if I’d caught up the policy, we’d still be ahead and not behind. As far as the contingency clause was concern. Not to mention that starting a new contract again, would put us right back to the starter’s gate. One more thing to add, my husband wasn’t no spring chicken. He was growing older, and of course his health was changing to.

Let me just keep it a buck, I never really read the policy or the fine print. So I must take some responsibility in my own negligence, as well.

Totally relying on my representative to keep me on my toes, because this was his expertise. Right? How ignorant that was of me, but I’m not the only one who’s guilty of this.

Now this went on for years, never realizing I was digging myself in a hole that I’d pay for later.

You see what I didn’t realize your insurance coverage need to be on the books for 24 months! SAY THAT AGAIN, "twenty four months". Exactly.

With that being said, I feel like I should’ve been educated on how it was important to maintain my policy. But, of course I wasn’t.

As years proceeded, with my husband health changing, which meant less coverage, and a higher premium. So what was available to us previously was now out of the question.

Insurance companies will run a background check on you, just like DMV. Based on your healthcare. A database that has your medical information, and all procedures performed.

So they already know what your risk factor looks like. This is where the underwriting comes into play.

Anyway long story short. Each time we applied for insurance he was being rated at a higher cost.

You say Okay Chalee, I get to the point.

Fact of the matter is when you get an insurance policy and the rates are good, plus you’re in decent health. KEEP THAT POLICY! it’s affordable and assuming your face amount is a lot larger. That’s a good thing!

Had I really been given the pros and cons of how insurance worked. Things would have turned out quite differently. (this blog would not exist)

What I’m sharing with you, I’d wish someone would’ve schooled me! My efforts would have been more solid, realizing I was paying into a long term investment, and not just an insurance policy. Its all in how you look at it. Truly. An Investment that was gonna provide coverage to my family when the time came.

Sometime people will do the most to get a commission, rather than being a bridge to close a gap of awareness to their clients.


As you’re moving along in life, you’ll probably want more insurance, which is cool, and you’re entitled to that, but don’t give up one to replace the other.

You’ve earned that time, that you can’t get back!

Thats all I’m saying…

Just invest in a new policy.


If everything else fails, you’ll always have this one secured. It’ll be the feather in your hat…

I’ve been an agent now for almost 10 years, all because I didn’t know shit!

I felt like all the years I’d had with my husband, only to end up with the surprise of my life!

We were not COVERED!!

Trying to bury someone with donation, when we had a business and other things we placed more value on instead of what really mattered.

The struggle was truly a real experience, so this is why I’m out here trying my best to educate those who’ll listen.

I appreciate you’ve gotten this far, apparently you understand where I’m going with all of this.


People really don’t know what it’s like to go from making it, to barely, then almost homeless. "Sheesh”

All due to a lack of information.

It didn’t feel good, either! Not knowing if you’re gonna be put out, from month to month. 3-day notices on your door.

When EVERYTHING I was trying after the fact wasn’t working!

It’s like you’re running backwards! Things I should’ve known. However, some things you just have to ride it out, and best believe there’s a lesson to be learned.

Once you’ve read this I know you should have a better clarity on your insurance policy. Hey this information is priceless to you and your family, if you use it!

Wait a minute, you may say this is good Chalee! But…

"I don’t have ANY INSURANCE”

My response will be, OK! lets busy, and get you some coverage. Hit the link below, its self explanitory from there.⬇️ INSUREMENOW

One thing for certain, and two things for sure, You will use it, and someone will verify that you were covered!

At the end of the day, the reliable

“Ace in the hole" would have done its part.

Checkout my YouTube video regarding this message.

If you have question, or like a consultation with me, please email me at:

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It will be well received. Thank you.🙂❤️

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