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Writer's pictureMs.Chalee

Scared Money ain’t Never Won a Fight! @Teatymewithchalee…

Updated: May 18, 2022

Youtube video here You may be faced with a challenge in your life right now…

But your success will be based on how you square up, and deal with the situation.

If you’re always complaining, in hopes someone keep pacifying you, by listening to your consistent putdown of yourself…

Eventually, they’ll find your conversation annoying. A broken record, that constantly plays the same sad song, over, and over, again. That’s always rotating back to repeat. Period…

Soon, running them off from listening to a depressed message, that has no happy ending!

When I was going through the loss of my family ironically there wasn’t no one there to listen to me…

"Thank God”!

All I had was the creator, four walls, and my daughter.

What I needed to do, was move out of my own way. Let the door open.

It had been blocked by my “Woe is me” story to myself. Questioning, "Why me”

Soon, after, once I’d put the boxing gloves on, the fighting match was ready to take place! I was ready…

You see whatever you’re going through, it’s not to paralyze you, but, to resonate something that you have already! It’s just buried. (Out of sight, out of mind)

The gift, that has been waiting on you, to show up, and get stirred up!

Oh, It’s been trying to get your attention! however, if you’re steady nursing on defeat? feeding into the "should’ve, could’ve, woulda’s.

You didn’t hear the phone ring, all because you kept sending it to voicemail.. Not ready!

Hold on, let me say this, "Not everyone deal with trials, or mental stuff the same way”

We all have our on coping mechanisms.

Choosing, how we express, deal with, or our road to a better outcome. It’s up to the person, individually. “Ok”

So not to cut you up, this is just my story about my own shit, and how I found a solution that worked…

My bad if I’d touched a nerve.

Anyway, we‘ve all heard, "We will not be given more than we can handle” Right? Exactly.

Well, what I was dealing with, at the time, I didn't realize, "It was prepping me” Preparing me for the future ahead.

Sometimes, the picture is bold! and in bright colors. Maybe to bright, too recognize that there is a possibility looming. Something new is trying to peek in your life. So much, the bling could blind you! "Ha, ha”

So, You couldn’t have told me this impact was gonna happen to me twenty ago!

That I would become pregnant, and would be carrying a reinvented "New Me”

However, with everything thing I was facing, being left with barely nothing, and nearly no resources, for five years! I was definitely not in touch with what was gonna be birth through me.

It was gonna take something greater than me to pull it outta me. Something that was there all the time!

I just had to accept where I was, and be mindful that things don’t last always!

Tapping into what was happening, was a part of the process.

I would become the BEST Dam student I’d ever could be to a new lesson. This was gonna be life changing event for me. For-real!

This was Huge!

I mean big, Y’all…

This is why I’m so passionate about sharing my story, in hopes that’ll it reach someone, and help them along the way in their journey.

It’s really a "Google search to self“ Yours will not mirror mine. All because It’s new, and it is YOU!

But just to let you know we all go through growing pains. The lessons we learn in the mud. Yes, it does gets dark sometime. Dungeon dark!

However, this is where your tenacious spirit is being built! Your Life lessons, will come from this.

So where are you going with this Ms.Chalee? Glad you’d asked😊

”Scared Money ain’t Never Won a fight” Plainly said… So, Put your dukes up and get busy!

Where’s your boxing gloves??

Bring them out, and suit up!

You got work to do…

Stop complicating your situation, stop asking for others opinions, and go to work in your self made classroom.

Soul searching within, you’ll find just what you’re looking for. Realize everything won’t be seen out of a "Rose colored glass”

When its said and done, them glasses will be so clear, you’ll see it plain as day.

It took for me to dam near loose everything to realize I already had the tools, and was groomed by the best, to ever had done it…

Wow, who was that Ms. Chalee?

None other than my (Heroes) close immediate family members, and a husband who’d ALL had recently graduated to higher heights. To not be seen again in this realm.

Nine of them to be exact. They’d given the tools that were needed. I would stand in my own spotlight of greatness.

This was gonna become a trial where I’d be called on the carpet, had I’d been a good listener, great observer, a student, of people who were the sparkle in my eyes, and wise on so many levels! most of all, overcommers of life’s greatest lessons.

They were All fighters! You see I had an opportunity to witness, and be apart of a “Live Broadcast” when they were met with tough challenges, and how they NEVER let it break them down, or give up! But MOST of all how they‘d kept pushing!

Now it was my turn! Would I be a coward, and disappointment those who’d came before me, and had given me the game to life lessons?

Well, "Hell No” For five years, I was broke, but not broken! I was wealthy beyond measure.

Just needed to tap into that box.

I had the tools, and so do you.

I’d been groomed for 48 years!

Why 48, Chalee? Because by that time, all my Big Influencers, were gone…

I’d found myself sometime flying on half of a wing…

BUT, what I would learn about myself would be priceless… This lesson couldn’t be bought, with a silver dollar. It had to be experienced.

Just like yours now!

The good thing is, I had a head start…

People who‘d done it way before me.

So, Im here to remind you to roll up your sleeves all the way, and push-’em up‘ It’s time to go too work, on what matters the most! Right Now, in this season.

Your life is dependent upon it, and guess what? you have an audience thats watching! You’re actually their “bird’s eye view”

So what are you gonna do with that?


So glad were on the same page. (Smile).

Look here Suga, I’d love to keep talking, but you got work to do…

”Handle your business, and get busy”

You got it!

I’m sure we both understand this assignment!

Don’t we?


So like Carol Burnett would say… "I’m so glad we had this time together”

Until next time…

Congratulation, you’ve got the lesson for today!

So proud of you. (Smile)

Take care.

Ms. Chalee

"Oh yeah one more thing”

If you found this message helpful, or it inspired you, and you’d like to leave an appreciative offering, or donation.

Ms. Chalee Love’s a cheerful giver.

You can do that, clicking onto my cashapp.$CbaymobileNotary

It will be well received. Thank you.🙂❤️

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