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Writer's pictureMs.Chalee

It’s My Responsibility To Be Apart Of My Grandchild Future.

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

Family is everything! Without them what do we have? Nothing! The scripture says we are to leave an inheritance to our grandchildren. Remember your babies are watching you, whether up you’re up close, or from a distance. There’s a chance we will not always be there for them to have a shoulder to cry on, more less too lean on, but… leaving a love gift and instructions, gives them an opportunity of hope.

I heard a man tell his story.When he was born, his parents were addicted to drugs. His mom died of a heroin overdose.

His dad did the best he could trying to provide for the kids, however dealing with his own drug issues was quite difficult.

Because he had a grandfather who had his own business, and always had money. This would become his motivation to not give up. The parents struggle didn’t have anything to do with their kids. The environment they were living in was a struggle in itself. A tough situation. We’re talking late 70’s mid 80’s.

While growing up he was determined not to repeat his parents mistake. His Grandfather‘s success reminded him that he had a choice. Though the odds looked slim. The mirror image of a grandparent that not only cared, but also who knew how easily things could go bad.

I admired that he had a wise elder in his life. Someone he respected. Which reminded me of my grandparents.

Eventually when his father could no longer take care of his children, another family member stepped in and adopted them.

This would give him an opportunity to receive his high school diploma, and join the military.

He was pretty adamant not to grow up in his parents footsteps! Actually their lifestyle allowed him to see the destruction of what not to become! This man went on to do many things, but never forgotten the birds eye view from his grandfather.

We as grandparents owe our grand-babies .

We know whats ahead better than they do!

When my husband died it became very clear that I would be the one to ignite a flame for our grandchildren, and with footprints to follow.

In 2012, I got a chance to experience what it was like to not have nothing to start with… Truly.

After Mike had passed away, I had to start all over again. With nothing there, but the motivation of these little people that had started to showup in my life, one by one.

(My grandbabies).

I remember the funeral director telling me why we couldn’t use his insurance policy. Being that it was only 18 months old, it hadn’t reach the full 24 month maturity mark that was required. So it was gonna take donations to bury him, and that is what we did. Stressed and all!

Starting from nothing. I thank God for giving me another chance. Not only to provide for my children, but be a light to my grandkids as well.

I went on to become an Insurance agent to help other grandparents, like me to make sure when things get interrupted the goals can still go on as planned for your legacy.

My grandchildren has given me a new perspective in life. Realize we’re just here for a flicker, but what we must do is; make sure our children’s children have a chance.

By setting up a small life Insurance policy, or IUL, that can leave hope for their future. Listening to the young man story, of how his Grandfather made such an impact on his life, and leaving him something more than just words, reminded me of what my purpose is to see other families get a chance to do the same, for theirs. Basically "WIN.”

Words are wise.True enough! but hope deferred can make the heart sick!

When Mike left, my thought process changed! Had we’d been secured earlier, I probably would’t be sharing this message. One day your babies will need something from you. If you’re here great, you’ll make it happen. I’m sure, but in the event that you’re not… You can still make a contribution to them. Just because we know our role as a grandparent. So, while you’re in your best health possible today. Reading this blog. There’s no time like the present to see this task through! would you agree?

Even if you don’t have a large amount of resources. Something is better than nothing!

Take the first step with a small affordable policy, easy to qualify. Based on your age and health today!

By you choosing your Beneficiary, such as your grandchild,or grandchildren. It can all starts with a phone call.

Let me help you give your baby a "Grandparents Love Gift” from you.

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